impress with your resume and motivation letter

Crafting a strong resume and motivation letter is crucial in academia to convince potential employers, supervisors, and funding agencies.

Condensing all your academic and professional experiences into a short, impactful message can be a challenge though, and imposter syndrome might be causing you to sell yourself short.

Join this *free* breakfast session to craft a convincing resume and motivation letter that not only show what you’ve achieved but also reflect your passion for research and how you fit the prospective lab, grant, or organization.

What to expect?

Through a combination of guided instruction, hands-on exercises, and peer feedback, you will improve how you present your academic and professional experiences in a compelling and impactful manner. From understanding the key components of a standout resume to mastering the art of writing persuasive motivation letters, this session will provide you with valuable insights and practical tools to make your job or grant application stand out.

Oh, and there will be breakfast of course.

For who?

This workshop is designed for early career researchers who are seeking to strengthen their application materials for academic positions, postdoctoral fellowships, grants, or other scientific opportunities. Whether you’re a graduate student preparing to enter the job market, a postdoc looking to advance your career, or a researcher exploring new opportunities, this session is suitable for anyone who wants to impress reviewers and recruiters.

When & where?

  • Format: an interactive session in a small group of max 6 participants
  • When: 9 AM – 11 AM on Wed Sept 18th, 2024
  • Where: Hendrik van Veldekesingel 25, Hasselt (1 km or 13 min walk from Hasselt train station)
  • Price: free (a no-show fee of 25 EUR applies)

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