The origin story of Aelin Therapeutics

The Flemish life science institute VIB celebrated its 25th anniversary. Twenty-five years of boundless curiosity have led to revolutionary discoveries and incredible societal progress. One of the many featured origin stories is that of VIB spin-off Aelin Therapeutics.

Aelin was founded based on the fascinating research of Joost Schymkowitz and Frederic Rouseau (VIB-KU Leuven) on the mechanisms gearing protein folding and misfolding. Their bold idea of using that knowledge to flip the script and use protein aggregation as a weapon instead has lead to the development of an entirely novel therapeutic platform called Pept-in™.

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Join this *free* breakfast session to craft a convincing resume and motivation letter that not only show what you’ve achieved but also reflect your passion for research and how you fit the prospective lab, grant, or organization.

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